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2023 Medicare Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey

The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey (CAHPS) is sent annually to 1,400 HMO and PPO members who are chosen at random to assess how well Blue and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) is performing based on member opinion.  

CAHPS is more than a patient satisfaction survey.  Instead of just focusing solely on how happy a member is with their care, it seeks details about how a member experienced or perceived that care within the last 6 months.  The survey assists Blue Cross NC to determine how we are meeting member needs and areas for improvement.  

The CAHPS survey will measure:  

  • Rating of the Health Plan 
  • Rating of the Drug Plan 
  • Rating of Health Care Quality 
  • Care Coordination 
  • Getting Needed Care 
  • Getting Appointments and Care Quickly 
  • Customer Service 
  • Annual Flu Vaccine 
  • Getting Needed Prescriptions 

The CAHPS survey mails in early March and closes on May 31st.  

Visit My MedAdvantage for more information about the plan.