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Preferred Infliximab Products for Treatment of Autoimmune Disorders Update

As of January 01, 2023, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) will update its infliximab utilization criteria to prefer Avsola and Inflectra®. Remicade® will be removed from preferred status.

To ensure a smooth transition, patients with a current Remicade prior authorization approval may transition to one of the preferred agents (Avsola or Inflectra) on 1/1/23 without requirement of an additional prior authorization at that time. Initial Avsola and Inflectra prior authorizations will be active through the original Remicade prior authorization approval date. An additional prior authorization will be required after 1/1/23 to continue Remicade therapy.

Requests for continuation of Remicade will not be able to be reviewed until after 1/1/23. Please submit all requests via the CMM Portal for fastest processing times.

Learn more about Infliximab (Remicade® ) and Infliximab Biosimilars (PDF).