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Delayed: Plan Transition for City of New York Retirees

Mar. 29, 2022 Update: This update is in reference to a communication posted on Jan. 20, 2022 about the plan transition.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) wants to provide you with an update regarding the implementation of the NYC Medicare Advantage Plus offering for The City of New York retirees. 

The NYC Medicare Advantage Plus Plan is not being implemented on April 1, 2022. All retirees will remain in their current plans until further notice.  

What does this mean? 

City of New York retirees will remain in their current plan until further notice and will not transition to NYC Medicare Advantage Plus on April 1, 2022. Currently, City of New York retirees do not need to opt out of NYC Medicare Advantage Plus in order to remain in Senior Care or their current plan. 

Where should I submit claims? 

Please continue to follow your current processes for claims submission for the City of New York retirees under your care until further notice.  

When will City of New York retirees transition to NYC Medicare Advantage Plus? 

A new effective date has not been determined. However, detailed information will be made available regarding the new effective date once it has been established. 

Thank you for your continued care of the City of New York retirees.